Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

Are You Taking Yourself Out of the Game?

Is your mind taking you out of the game of life? Recently I was working with a soccer player. He told me that he had a very high standard for himself. In fact I do believe he used the word perfection. While we as a society applaud a person with such lofty goals, those much-approved […]

Stop Beating Yourself Up!

Recently as I was innocently going about my daily activities out of nowhere came a memory. Not one of those soft, fuzzy, warm memories that makes me smile. Oh, no, it was one of those embarrassing, crawl in a hole and never come out kind of memory. As my self-esteem plummeted and I cringed inside […]

Why Is It So Hard to Be Happy?

Recently I was driving to a workshop I was presenting at. I’m driving on a road full of cars motoring along with me. Then it happened… A car beside me cut me off and then had the audacity to honk at me because I was too close! I was instantly angry for the rest of […]

Let Them Squirm!

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at my sister’s wedding. I had spent the morning caring for my 4-year old son and doing my sister’s makeup. (She looked beautiful by the way!) By the time I took a minute to look at myself in the mirror I realized that the perm I […]

Are You a Soul Without Wings? Rediscovering Wonder…

Have an Amazing Monday. (and everyday.) Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K  PS:  Need help finding your wings? 🙂  Email me at for a complimentary 15 minute consultation.

The Teacher in Your Clutter

I’ve been told that each item we own takes a little of our energy. As I creep into the basement or peer into the depths of a cluttered closet and feel my energy leaking out like water through a sieve, I’m inclined to believe them! Recently I was talking with a good friend whose marriage […]

Power Napping…Your Secret to Success?

Now wait a minute before you laugh and hustle off to your busy day! Napping is not just for toddlers. It really is one of the most powerful tools you can use to take care of your health, your career and your life. My last blog entry was about the importance of sleep. I shared […]

Why Sleeping Your Way to the Top is a Great Idea!

Have an amazing Monday! (and everyday.) Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Consultant, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K PS:  There are a few more Reboot Your New Year Packages available.  If you want less stress more joy and ease this year email me at

Are Your New Years Resolutions Causing Stress?

It’s the last week of January… how are those New Year’s Resolutions going?  My guess is that if you are still taking steps towards your goals and they are at all challenging, you are feeling a bit of stress.  You may be finding super creative ways of getting out of taking action.  “Oh I can’t […]