Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

Now wait a minute before you laugh and hustle off to your busy day! Napping is not just for toddlers. It really is one of the most powerful tools you can use to take care of your health, your career and your life. My last blog entry was about the importance of sleep. I shared how it impacts your mood, productivity and creativity. I challenged you for one month to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. As I am about half way through my challenge I am well aware that life is not perfect. There are some nights when 7 hours of sleep just doesn’t happen or when we just have a rough night of waking up a lot. That’s where napping comes to the rescue!

Research shows that even short naps (10-15 minutes) will give you a power boost that will get you through your day with clarity of thought, focus and more joy. A few forward-thinking companies are creating nap rooms so their employees can sign up for a quick rest. Huffington Post is one of those companies. They noticed though, that at first, no one was signing up. The nap room was constantly empty. People were afraid of being seen as lazy if they took a nap. So the executive team all started signing up and that did it. Now the nap room is a popular place of rest. Before you think, “How nice of these companies to allow naps.” It’s not nice at all. It’s smart business. A nap is shown to increase workers productivity, competence, focus, reduce sick days and I could go on. Having alert employees helps companies accomplish more in a shorter period of time. Allowing napping could be the best thing they do for their bottom line!

Odds are you do not work for a company that encourages naps. So you may need to create your own nap room. I do a lot of consulting and speaking so my car is my nap room. I pack a blanket and have learned the perfect angle to recline my chair. My Ipod is ready with a selection of my favorite meditations and peaceful music. As part of my lunch break I often will head to the car, park it in the sun (if possible) and take a quick 15 minute nap. It feels so good to complete my work day without feeling groggy.

Just in case you are still struggling with the idea that naps are for babies and old people here are a few famous people who regularly napped… Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and John F Kennedy. If they can do it so can you!

My dear reader, gather up your blanket, curl up and enjoy a nap. Your life will thank you!

Have an amazing Monday, (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS: Need support as you create a less stressful, more successful life? Email me for a complimentary 15 minute session at