Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

It’s the last week of January… how are those New Year’s Resolutions going?  My guess is that if you are still taking steps towards your goals and they are at all challenging, you are feeling a bit of stress.  You may be finding super creative ways of getting out of taking action.  “Oh I can’t do that today because I’m too tired, my desk needs cleaning, my bunions are aching, I need to save the world…  The list goes on and on!  Guess what?  That’s normal.  There is a part of your subconscious brain called the Psycho Cybernetic Mechanism (PCM).  It works like a thermostat.  It’s main goal is to keep you in your comfort zone.  (Even if your comfort zone is quite miserable!)  The rule it follows is…change is dangerous, even good change.  So right now with all your action steps to your goal you are really triggering your PCM!  What to do?!

Well first of all, it’s helpful just to realize what is going on.  Laughing at your sweet, little PCM desperately trying to get you back to your comfort zone is a great way to release stress.  Then find ways to take excellent care of yourself while still stretching to reach your goals.  After taking that early morning run your mind has been rebelling against have a delicious cup of tea or coffee while reading something inspiring or  following that difficult conversation you finally got up the nerve to have take a few minutes to walk over to talk with your favorite co worker or sit quietly for a bit  getting centered and relaxed.

Of coarse one of my favorite ways to calm my worried brain is to tap.  If you have never heard of tapping check out this resource…  Go to or listen to  Those of you who like to tap here’s a tapping script for you.

Karate Chop:  Even though I am getting tired of taking steps towards my goals I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I want to do anything else but work on my goals I accept my feelings.

Even though don’t have time to work on my goals I love and accept myself anyway.

Eyebrow:  This is uncomfortable.

Side of Eye:  I am feeling stressed.

Under Eye:  I don’t know why I thought I had time for this!

Under Nose:  I don’t want to do this anymore.

Chin Point:  Maybe this isn’t the right goal for me.

Collar Bone:  I’m not cut out for this.

Under Arm:  I don’t want to do it.

Top of Head:  This is hard!


Positive Round:

Eyebrow:  This goal is important to me.

Side of Eye:  I can do this.

Under Eye:  Just one small step at a time.

Under Nose:  I’ll feel so good after I take this step.

Chin Point:  I don’t have to do it all at once.

Collar Bone:  I am safe.

Under Arm:  It’s okay to make these changes.

Top of the Head:  It will get easier!

Take a deep breath.


Have an amazing Monday!

Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS:  If you would like support in lowering your stress and living a more playful and joyous life email me for a free 15 minute consultation.