Amazing Mondays

The Restless Saboteur – What’s Next?

May I introduce you to The Restless Saboteur? If you are driven by this saboteur you are probably already thinking that there are better things to do with your life then read a blog entry! The Restless Saboteur has a very hard time focusing on the present moment and feeling contentment in that moment. You […]

The Pleaser Saboteur- What Can I Do for You?

It’s easy to guess why the Pleaser Saboteur is a “favorite” of so many of us. Starting very young our survival ( or so we thought) was linked to making our caregivers happy. We learned to please others to get along in this world. ” If my teacher likes me he/she will give me better […]

The Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur – Always Prepare for the Worst!

Life is dangerous. People cannot be trusted. If I am not prepared no one else will be. Thoughts like these are the constant refrain of the Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur. A person run by this saboteur is in an almost constant state of anxiety.  This saboteur causes a person to doubt themselves and others. They want to […]

The Hyper-Rational Saboteur – It’s the “Right” Way to Be!

Have you ever met someone who under stress becomes super rational? (Maybe the person you’ve met with this characteristics is you! ) The bigger the crisis the more focused this person becomes-looking for the “right” answer. The Hyper-rational Saboteur tends to  come across as detached, intellectual and private. They are often skeptical or cynical in […]

The Hyper-Achiever Saboteur – Now What’s Wrong with That?

The saboteur we will focus on today is the Hyper-Achiever. Our society honors the achiever (think the Olympics!) so that is why the Hyper-Achiever Saboteur is so sneaky. People who have this as one of their saboteurs are often reluctant to let it go. They give it credit for driving their success. In some ways […]

Is The Controller Saboteur Running Your Life?

Did you grow up in a chaotic environment? If you did, you most likely have The Controller as one of your saboteurs. It can go either way. Some children who grow up in chaos recreate that environment and others decide they will do everything they can to never be out of control again! You don’t need to […]

Is “The Avoider” Sabotaging Your Success?

Every single human on the planet has The Judge as a saboteur. The Judge however does not work alone. It has assistants! One of the judge’s assistant saboteur’s is the Avoider. See if this description resonates with you… The Avoider saboteur focuses on the positive in an extreme way. At the same time it avoids […]

The Universal Saboteur- Here Comes the Judge!

  There is one grand saboteur every human on the planet has. Let me introduce to you the Judge!  If you took The Saboteur Assessment you will notice that the judge was not on the list . The reason it is missing is that it is the universal saboteur. All the other saboteurs are just helpful assistants to the […]

The Saboteurs that Block Your Success and Happiness

  Have you ever made a positive step by attending a self-growth workshop, meditating or taking a leadership class? I’m sure most of you have. What usually happens? Well, in my experience, I get all excited and love the learning. After the class I try to incorporate my learning. Fast forward a couple months and odds are I am […]

Working Remote? How to Stay Connected.

  Well, welcome to 2020! Many of us have talked about how we would love to work from home and now our wish has come true. Companies, teams and individuals are involved in this instant remote experiment. We are all discovering the pluses and minuses of working from our couch. Recently, I had the opportunity […]