The Hyper-Achiever Saboteur – Now What’s Wrong with That?
The saboteur we will focus on today is the Hyper-Achiever. Our society honors the achiever (think the Olympics!) so that is why the Hyper-Achiever Saboteur is so sneaky. People who have this as one of their saboteurs are often reluctant to let it go. They give it credit for driving their success. In some ways […]
Is The Controller Saboteur Running Your Life?
Did you grow up in a chaotic environment? If you did, you most likely have The Controller as one of your saboteurs. It can go either way. Some children who grow up in chaos recreate that environment and others decide they will do everything they can to never be out of control again! You don’t need to […]
Is “The Avoider” Sabotaging Your Success?
Every single human on the planet has The Judge as a saboteur. The Judge however does not work alone. It has assistants! One of the judge’s assistant saboteur’s is the Avoider. See if this description resonates with you… The Avoider saboteur focuses on the positive in an extreme way. At the same time it avoids […]
The Saboteurs that Block Your Success and Happiness
Have you ever made a positive step by attending a self-growth workshop, meditating or taking a leadership class? I’m sure most of you have. What usually happens? Well, in my experience, I get all excited and love the learning. After the class I try to incorporate my learning. Fast forward a couple months and odds are I am […]
Working Remote? How to Stay Connected.
Well, welcome to 2020! Many of us have talked about how we would love to work from home and now our wish has come true. Companies, teams and individuals are involved in this instant remote experiment. We are all discovering the pluses and minuses of working from our couch. Recently, I had the opportunity […]
A Time to Think
“Poirot,” I said. “I have been thinking.” “An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it.” ― Agatha Christie, Peril at End House I grew up with a dad who was always on the go. To avoid being given more chores my sister’s and I became experts at looking busy. Especially when he walked by! Most work environments operate […]
Who Do You Focus On?
Pareto principle is a prediction that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. As a leader I am sure you have heard of the Pareto Principle. It is often used as a measurement to make sure a business and/or individual is spending their time and efforts wisely. It is helpful to evaluate tasks and activities […]
What do You Need to STOP Doing?
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. Stephen Covey Many times during my conversation with leaders they will speak almost fondly of when they […]
Win by Knowing Your Team’s Strengths
Recently I was working with a client who was just promoted to a leadership position over several teams across the country. On our call we were talking about the strategy he was putting together to create a strong, successful team. The first step in his plan was to meet individually with each team member and have […]
Why Leaders Need to Choose Their Brand
I don’t know how many times I have heard this story from clients when I ask them what they want next in their career…”I don’t really know. I just started on this career path and did what needed to be done. I kept getting promoted and just fell into my next position.” To be […]