Stress and Your Pets
I love pets especially dogs. However, I must admit, it is a good thing they are cute because they are a lot of work! I remember many times coming home and having the “joy” of cleaning up the mess Celah made. When she was young she went through a paper-shredding phase. When she was […]
A Hilarious Way to Lower Stress
, I love to laugh. Some of my favorite memories are times spent with friends laughing so hard, doubled over, struggling to catch a breath. And then just when we thought we were in control someone would snort and the laughter would start all over. Such delight! How long has it been since you had […]
Rewire Your Brain for Joy
In a typical day at work do you see more problems or solutions? Do you notice negative emotions more or positive ones? If you lean towards seeing problems or focusing on negative emotions then welcome to the human race! Our brains are wired to look for problems and dangers. This is a great thing if […]
The Simplest Stress Relief Technique Ever!
Have you noticed that during a stressful, busy day you tend to stay focused and tense sitting in front of your computer or in a meeting? By the end of the day your muscles are sore and knotted. On top of that your brain is foggy and you feel totally exhausted. Today, I have a […]
What Do You Control?
It seems like work-stress is as common as fur balls in cats or lint in dryers. Most people I talk to are barely keeping up with the workload and then… another huge roadblock is placed by a manager or client derailing progress, the company goes through a restructuring, a favorite boss leaves for a […]
The Road to Bliss!
As we move into January many of us take time to reflect on the past year. For most of us that is just a nice way to say that we spend a good chunk of time feeling guilty for what we did NOT accomplish last year. That weight we did not lose, the promotion […]
Put a Stop to Overwhelm!
It’s the holiday season again. A time of year where the feeling of overwhelm is more common then Christmas decorations in a mall. Not only are we doing all our normal tasks but we have added Christmas shopping and entertaining to our endless list. The promised warm feelings and bliss of the season is […]
Get Back In Your Body!
Have you ever had an “out of body experience?” I’m betting that if you have a normal stress-filled job then you have daily “out of body experiences.” Let me explain… You wake up with your mind already buzzing, worrying about how you will even come close to keeping up with your long list of […]
Sit Down, Relax, Have a Cup of Tea
There is one ritual in my life that I would absolutely never give up and that is Teatime with my friend Leslie. For years now I have met weekly with her for tea. We often measure what’s going on in our lives by how many pots of tea will be required that week! That weekly […]
Surviving Till the Weekend!
There’s been numerous songs written, an acronym popularized (TGIF) and ads created all about the relief that comes at the end of the work-week. We groan loudly to our fellow workers about how much we are looking forward to the weekend. We breathe a sigh of relief when Wednesday passes and we are on the […]