Sit Down, Relax, Have a Cup of Tea
There is one ritual in my life that I would absolutely never give up and that is Teatime with my friend Leslie. For years now I have met weekly with her for tea. We often measure what’s going on in our lives by how many pots of tea will be required that week! That weekly […]
Multi-Tasking and Stress
Do you pride yourself on your ability to multi-task? I know I do. I’ve even shared it as one of my top strengths in an interview. The problem is, that very “strength” contributes negatively to my stress level. The brain cannot really multi-task. It can only focus on one thing at a time. Our multi-tasking […]
The Power of “What If?”
A quick question for you…When under stress do you think about what you want to happen or what you are afraid will happen? If your answer is that you worry about what you are afraid will happen then welcome to being human! Our brains are naturally bent to focus on what we fear. Sadly, this […]
Bath in Nature – Lower Your Stress
Several years ago I purchased a meditation series that was proven to calm the brain and move you into an Alpha, Theta or Gamma brainwave states. As I settled into a comfy position and put on my headphones I was surprised to hear sounds of rain, wind and water. After further study I shouldn’t […]
Say Whatever You Want and Still Keep Your Job!
Working with corporate employees I often hear, ” I really wanted to say this but of coarse I couldn’t.” So where do all those unsaid words go? For some people they end up feeling like a lump in the throat, as one of my client’s experienced. Others of us tuck our unsaid words and emotions […]
Surviving in a Changing Workplace
“They act so entitled. ” “They’re so set in their ways.” Have you heard or perhaps said some of these statements about people in your workplace who are either older or younger then you? One of the biggest sources of stress at work is communication (or lack of it!) As our world changes so will […]
Already Frazzled?
I woke up this morning and pulled out my weekly calender to see what was scheduled. As I looked at my week I could already feel the tightness growing in my shoulders, the knot in my stomach. My calender was too full and I desperately needed to schedule several more things. Can you relate? For […]
Is Life Hard?
I’m inviting you, my hard-working friend, to take a break from the stress and anxiety of your life for a moment and breath deeply. Repeat this statement…”Life is hard.” How true does it feel to you? Most of us were raised in hard-working families and communities who taught us this belief. But is it really […]
Freedom from Guilt
Imagine for a minute…You begin your workday, focused on what you want to accomplish . Then the phone rings, it’s your mom who is having health issues and wants you to research something for her. A few minutes later one of your children texts you and asks you to pick up something for them and […]