Amazing Mondays

Stressed? Flap Your Wings

One evening not too long ago I was walking around our neighborhood park. In the park there are two little ponds that attract a myriad of wildlife. As I strolled past one of the ponds a loose dog ran by and lunged at a duck who had been resting in the foliage near the water. […]

The Power of “What If?”

A quick question for you…When under stress do you think about what you want to happen or what you are afraid will happen? If your answer is that you worry about what you are afraid will happen then welcome to being human! Our brains are naturally bent to focus on what we fear. Sadly, this […]

Bath in Nature – Lower Your Stress

  Several years ago I purchased a meditation series that was proven to calm the brain and move you into an Alpha, Theta or Gamma brainwave states. As I settled into a comfy position and put on my headphones I was surprised to hear sounds of rain, wind and water.  After further study I shouldn’t […]

The Most Powerful Stress Relief Technique Ever!

Since my goal this year is to live a life filled with delight I know that I must be vigilant about consistently lowering stress and calming my brain. That’s why I am so excited to share this stress-relieving tool! About 7 years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a powerful and weird technique […]

Instantly Lower Your Stress…

There is a story told that when Native American’s first met the white man they thought he was not breathing. Their natural way of breathing was with relaxed, deep, belly breaths. In contrast the white men tended to breathe with tense, shallow breaths. So with a big thanks to many of  our ancestors that is […]

Using Your Nose to Lower Stress

Imagine for a minute a warm spring day. You are standing in front of a lilac bush covered with blooms. The sweet scent fills the air as you breath deeply. Our sense of smell is one of the most overlooked ways to lower stress. We are just now beginning to research the effects of certain […]