Amazing Mondays

Are You Ready for Success?

One of the top fears of being successful is the fear and disorientation that comes from   “leading the pack.” Fears of making a mistake or if you’re leading others, fear of leading them the wrong direction can easily be strong enough to cause successful people to sabotage. So much of what we do as  leaders […]

Who’s Afraid of Success?

Of all the fears in the world, fear of success is the fear we are most blind to. Many client’s will tell me they are afraid of failure not success. So I challenge them look at their lives, goals, dreams and the truth is, they are already failing to meet those goals. They are handling […]

Anxious? Blame it on Your Amygdala!

Take a moment to sit down, breath in deeply , and notice if your muscles are tight or relaxed I’m betting  you will be surprised at how much tension you hold in your body.  Many generations ago maybe all that tension kept our ancestors alive but now, for the most part, it keeps us headed […]

Simple Step Designed to Change Your Life

Have you ever noticed how most of the thoughts you think daily are the same day after day?  The sad part is, that for most of us those repetitive thoughts are almost all negative. Thepathways in our brain become like super highways so it is easy to think the same thought patterns without even trying.  […]

How to Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

It is a perfect day on the beach.  The soft breeze caresses me as I walk slowly  beside the turquoise, blue  ocean.  I smile as I think about the  sailing excursion we have planned for the afternoon… And that my friends, is the beginning of my chapter describing the vacation I wish to take this […]

Start Your Week with this Thought!

This is one of my favorite quotes.  I hope you enjoy it and the adorable little girl reciting it.  Have an amazing Monday and may your brilliance shine this week! Leanna Fredrich, Mindset Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

This is Your Brain on Emotion…

I am fascinated by the brain and love to read about all the new information researchers are discovering.  I was recently reading about how we can be addicted to an emotion.  Here’s how… When you have a thought the brain decides what chemicals are appropriate for the thought and sends them into your body.  Take […]