Amazing Mondays


As we move into January many of us take time to reflect on the past year. For most of us that is just a nice way to say that we spend a good chunk of time feeling guilty for what we did NOT accomplish last year. That weight we did not lose, the promotion we did not get, the money we did not save… Heads up! This is not the road to bliss or success!

The road to bliss is simply gratitude. Seriously. We as humans love to overthink what it takes to be happy and successful. And overthinking is the one activity that most accurately will prevent happiness! So if you make one resolution this year let it be to live in gratitude. Being in a state of gratitude calms your brain and increases endorphins, those feel good hormones. And that’s not all. Thankfulness notifies the Reticular Activation System in your brain that finding things in the world to be grateful for is important to you. That part of your subconscious mind will begin to notice wonderful things in your environment and make you aware of it. Plus, there is something about the energy of someone in a state of thankfulness that attracts wonderful people like a magnet which can lead to fabulous opportunities, motivates action and leads to success.

Don’t put gratitude off another day! Create a ritual of  daily gratitude whether that means you journal, spend your commute to work listing what you are thankful for or perform a gratitude dance. It’s all good! Make this year the year of gratitude and enjoy the magic that appears.


If you are in a real funk and wouldn’t feel gratitude if it slapped you in the face here’s a tapping script to release those negative emotions and allow your natural joy to bubble up…

Karate Chop: ( Don’t know how to tap? Take a look at March 2017 blog post for information.)

Even though I have nothing to be grateful for I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I am not happy and everything is going wrong I accept myself anyway.

Even though life is not treating me well I love myself anyway.

Eyebrow: Life isn’t working out for me.

Side of Eye: So much is going wrong.

Under Eye: My life sucks.

Under Nose: I don’t feel like being grateful.

Chin Point: All this sadness.

Collarbone: All this anger.

Under Arm: All this frustration.

Top of Head: I am not happy.

Tap through the negative sequence to release until your feeling of negativity is around a 5 or lower on a scale of 1-10 then you may move to the positive round.

Positive Round:

Eyebrow: I am thankful for a few things.

Side of Eye: I am breathing and that is good.

Under Eye: I have fingers that I can tap with. I’m grateful for that.

Under Nose: I can see to read this script.

Collarbone: Things tend to work out for me.

Under Arm: I do love _____________

Top of Head: I am thankful for ________________


Have an amazing Monday! (and everyday.)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress Management Coach

Adv.EFT, Adv. Psych-K