Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

Ah, the holiday season…filled with family, food and joy.  A blissful time, for many of us, much like having a sadistic personal trainer setting a treadmill on it’s highest setting and preventing us from ever getting off!  The holidays often add so many things to our already full to-do list that we spend the next few months in a state of perpetual exhaustion.  Please let me, your ever loving Coach, make a quick suggestion of a goal for you.  Give yourself a break!  Make your top priority this holiday season to take good care of you.  To help  with this goal here are ten suggestions on how to lower your stress and give yourself the gift of joy.

1.  Get plenty of rest.  I know, I know, it’s what everyone says!  The thing is, we all know it’s true.  When we get proper rest not only are we more productive but our attitude improves as well.  More joy!

2.  Every hour or so take a minute to breath deeply. ( Such a great thing to do in that long line at the store!  Don’t worry about the strange looks from the people around you!)

3.  Love all parts of yourself.  Yes, that includes your not-so-slim thighs, your pillowy abs.  Send each part of you love.  For those generous thighs have carried you all these years and those soft abs have supported you through thick and thin. (No pun intended!)

4.  Take the time to snuggle with someone.  This doesn’t have to be a human someone.  Could be a pet.  Sometimes they are the best snugglers ever!

5.  Listen to your favorite music.  It is amazing how music can change a chore into a moment of play.  I can’t be the only one who has found themselves dancing around the house with the vacuum and some rockin tunes!

6.  Practice gratitude daily.  I know it’s easy to forget so set a time for gratitude…first thing when you wake up or perhaps on your commute to or from work.  (Seriously, practicing gratitude while in the middle of a holiday traffic jam should qualify one for sainthood!)

7.  Ask for help!  Did you hear me?  I know it can be one of the hardest things for all of us super-humans but do it!  Sit down with your to-do list and put a little “H” by all those items you would love to have help with.  Now go ask, hire, bribe, threaten, whatever it takes!

8.  Let go of the need to be perfect.  Enough said.

9.  Speak your authentic, vulnerable truth in a compassionate way that honors all involved.  Now I know that’s a tall order especially during this time when we are around loads of family. You know the family that arrive with enough baggage to put the Kardashiens to shame.  And I don’t mean suitcases!  Don’t expect to be perfect when speaking your truth especially if you are not used to doing it but give yourself kudos for trying.  Know that as you continue allowing yourself to speak you will get better at the compassionate part!

10.  Set your intention for what you want for this holiday.  If it’s love or connection or fun… Whatever it is set the intention.  Then as you look at your to-do list ask yourself – Will this activity bring more connection? (Or whatever your word is.)  If it won’t then seriously consider taking it off your list.

My invitation to you is to choose one or two items on the list to focus on each day during  the remainder of November and December.  Make this activity your gift to yourself.  You deserve it!

Have an amazing Monday! (and everyday)

Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS:  Need some extra support?  Email me for a free 15 minute consultation.




One Response

  1. I LOVE this list. As women we often have everyone on our to do list but OURSELVES! A little (or a lot) of self care goes a long way this time of year in all of its hustling and bustling. I took advantage of the first tip by taking a few days away sans hubby and kiddos and came back feeling like a NEW woman. Thank you for sharing this message of empowerment! Blessings!