Pareto principle is a prediction that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.
As a leader I am sure you have heard of the Pareto Principle. It is often used as a measurement to make sure a business and/or individual is spending their time and efforts wisely. It is helpful to evaluate tasks and activities to see which ones will give you 80% of results you want.
Have you ever thought of using the Pareto Principle when deciding which team members to grow and mentor? My first career was in education. When you have a classroom full of students there are always one or two that are “trouble-makers.” It is easy as a teacher to focus a huge chunk of time on getting those student’s to be a productive part of the class. The same thing is true with a team at work. It is natural as a leader to focus on those who are under performing or consistently unhappy. Is that the best use of your time? I think there must be a balance. Of coarse it is important to see if you can encourage and support those who are under performing to get them on track. In those actions though, do not forget your top performers. By spending time mentoring them, will it get you the 80% results you are looking for? My guess is “Yes!”
Often as a teacher, I would identify those class leaders and focus on getting them excited and motivated. This often had the positive result in them motivating the class (even the uninterested student) through their engagement. Usually a lot less effort for me and more effective then spending more time with the “uninterested” student. So take a look at your team.
- Which team members do you spend the most time with?
- Are they the most productive members?
- If not, would it make sense to have one of your “leaders” mentor them?
- Do they need to be moved to another position that is a better fit for them?
- How much time are you spending mentoring your top performers?
Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)
Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant
PS: Need help doing this? I am available for team work as well as individual consulting.