Amazing Mondays

Jennifer is a big vision leader. She knows that about herself. One of her top strengths is “Futuristic.” Put her in a room, let her loose on an idea and she will tell you what is ahead years down the road. She loves to think about the future. At the end of a brainstorming session with her you will have such a beautiful, exciting and forward-thinking vision  it will make your head spin. She is ready to leap into that future NOW! What Jennifer has learned to do next is to bring in Jose and Nancy. One of Jose’s top strengths is “Analytic” and Nancy’s is “Strategic.” They will come in, take that beautiful vision and poke holes in it. (Did I say that?!) I mean they will put structure under it. They will outline a practical plan for reaching that vision. They will see where the obstacles are and how to avoid them. Jennifer knows one of her weaknesses is seeing details and predicting obstacles. So even though she knows it will initially slow down the plan  she brings in her team to help with her blind spots.

Often when working with client’s on their strength’s they will ask, “What do I do with my weaknesses?” The short answer is, “Not much!” You could spend countless hours trying to improve your weaknesses and in the end you will be just average in those areas. So for the most part it is a waste of time. However if you see that your weaknesses are getting in the way of reaching your goals, work on them just enough so that you are free to focus on your strengths as you move forward.

Usually the quickest and most effective way to mitigate your weaknesses is to delegate in those areas. Just like Jennifer, look for people around you who have your weakness as their strength. Have a conversation with them about it. Ask them if they will support you. If that truly is their  strength they will be more than happy to be the expert and take on more activities in that area.

As a leader sit down with your team and have a conversation around the teams’ strength’s and their blind spots. Talk about how you can support each other not only in the area of strengths but also in making sure the blind spots are seen and remedied.

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant

PS: Need help creating strategies to look at blind spots and keep them from holding you or your team back? I’m happy to help. Just contact me at the email address above.