Amazing Mondays

What are you thinking about most of the time?  Researchers show that we tend to think the same thoughts over and over, day after day.  For most of us those repetitive thoughts are not very positive or uplifting!  One way to start changing our lives and thoughts  is through daily repeating of affirmations.  Here are some of my favorite ones from Tony Robbins…

I love my life.  I am so blessed.

All that is mine reaches me in great avalanches of abundance.

At last, at last the past is past.  I’ve broken free and won!  Now is the time to love myself and really have some fun!

Repeating these every morning is a fantastic way to start the day and fill your brain with what you want.  Remember we get what we focus on so take control of your focus by choosing what you think.

Have an amazing Monday,

Leanna Fredrich, Mindset Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS:  Creating success and keeping it requires a team.  If you would like support in working with the power of your mind to reach success with less struggle and more fun email me at