Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s the holiday season. A tough time on your sweet, sensitive Amygdala. It is a time when your to-do list doubles in length and your time seems to shorten. It is a time where even top achievers (or maybe especially) can run themselves completely ragged. So take a deep breath all you amazing people and read my tips for a successful holiday season…
1. Show you and your Amygdala some love and peace. All this stress causes your Amygdala, the emotion center of your brain to be over stimulated. This causes you to be less creative, less resourceful and well, it’s just no fun. Take the time to calm your Amygdala by sitting down and quietly paying attention to your breathing. Stretch and yawn often at work. Another quick and easy way to calm your Amygdala is to spend five minutes using EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. (Remember, it’s only weird if it doesn’t work! ) If you don’t know how to do EFT watch this short video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBvhK5k8Kjw
2. Exercise. I know, I know you don’t have time. It really is the season to take the time. Exercise helps you release the stress hormones in your body which boosts your immune system and lowers the stimulation of your Amygdala. A win, win!
3. Prioritize and focus. Not everything needs to get done. Ask yourself daily, “What are the most important items to get done that will make the biggest impact?” Get those done first. Everything else can wait till another day.
4. Delegate. I know you like to get things done right. Is it worth it? Hand off some of your tasks and let others do them. Keep the truly important ones that only you can do.
5. Ask yourself daily, How can I make my work a bit more like play?”
So there you have it…Follow these 5 tips, treat yourself with love and kindness and may your holiday be fabulous !
Have an amazing Monday,
Leanna Fredrich, Mindset Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K
PS: A big thank you for being a part of my list. It is my pleasure to serve you!