May I introduce you to The Restless Saboteur? If you are driven by this saboteur you are probably already thinking that there are better things to do with your life then read a blog entry! The Restless Saboteur has a very hard time focusing on the present moment and feeling contentment in that moment. You have heard of the acronym FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) I’m pretty sure the Restless Saboteur made that up! When this saboteur is active it is hard to sit still. You will be absolutely sure that you are missing out on that next exciting, interesting or fun thing. It really doesn’t matter if you are vacationing on the beach or sitting in a meeting at work – it is not good enough! Often this saboteur encourages us to take on too many tasks and fill our life with busy, busy, busy. Our friends, family and co-workers often complain that they just can’t or won’t keep up.
As with the other saboteurs’ this one has a few favorite lies. “Life is too short. I want to live it fully and not miss out on a thing!” What’s wrong with that you may be asking? Life IS short. We SHOULD live it fully! I agree whole-heartedly. However, the Restless Saboteur does not really allow its victims to experience life fully. The underlying fear is the fear of actually feeling something. Moving from one experience to another while not being mentally present for the experiences saves the person from dealing with real issues and feeling real feelings.
If you are not sure if you are driven by the Restless Saboteur or simply an adventurous individual who savors the moment try this – take 5 minutes to be quiet and still. If you feel anxiety say “hello” to the Restless Saboteur. If you feel calm, centered and quiet carry on with your delightful adventurous life!
For those of you who realize that the Restless Saboteur has a hold on your life simply begin practicing being in the moment. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you. Stay with that feeling for a bit. Remember you can take small steps. It takes awhile to build that “being present muscle.” Begin training yourself to focus on and enjoy the moment you are in right now. It really is the only path to an amazing and adventurous life.
Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)
Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant
PS: If you want to take an assessment to identify your saboteurs here is the link –