Amazing Mondays

Handle Stress Well? 4 Steps to Take Today!

I was recently watching an “Animal Kingdom” type of show and as usual it was hunting time. A lion was sneaking up on a herd of gazelles. The lion leaped out after one of the smaller gazelles. Panicked the animal ran as fast as it could until the lion gave up. The little gazelle leaped […]

I’m Stressed and I Know It!

I think we can agree on one thing. We are all stressed! It is one of the biggest issues for top performers and well, everyone. I spent last week camping at a lake away from email,computers, phones… bathrooms (the lack of that last one kinda stressed me out!). It took me a day or two […]

Who Needs Enemies When You Have Yourself?

The Olympic’s have begun!  I love sitting on the edge of my seat (or when things get really tense jumping up and down) as I watch athletes put it all on the line. The many hours of training and planning coming together as they compete for a medal.  As a coach for top performers it […]

Why You are Like Tiger Woods

If you follow sports news at all then you definitely heard about Tiger Wood’s performance or lack of it.  As I watched him get worse  each day, losing his temper and finally ending the competition in defeat it was quite obvious to me that Tiger was losing his mental game.  Now although I don’t know […]

Using Your Brain to Maximize Your Success!

The information Srini has to share is fascinating. Just these few tips can not only make you a better leader and decision-maker but it will also help you be a more relaxed and joyful human!

It’s Powerful, it’s Simple. Change Your Brain Today!

What are you thinking about most of the time?  Researchers show that we tend to think the same thoughts over and over, day after day.  For most of us those repetitive thoughts are not very positive or uplifting!  One way to start changing our lives and thoughts  is through daily repeating of affirmations.  Here are […]

Why Do You Have to be so Mean?

Picture this… You’re working on a project and you realize you have made a big mistake.  Shh… listen to your mind chatter.  What are you saying to yourself?  “I’m such an idiot!”  ” What was I thinking?  You weren’t you moron!”  “Now they’ll know that you don’t know what you’re doing stupid!” You would never […]

Success…There’s No One Left to Follow!

You have worked hard, honed your leadership skills and now you are in front.  The eyes of your company are on you, looking to you for vision and direction.  How exciting!  Not so much. My guess is that your brain is often going to the place of , “Oh, crap!”  Let’s face it, it is […]

Prepare Your Brain for Success! A Quick Tip…

Do you every go through your day feeling scattered and indecisive?  This is the feeling you get when your amygdala, the fight or flight center of your brain is over stimulated.  It makes it very hard to problem-solve and be creative.  I was just listening to Mark Waldmen, a professor and brain-training expert.  He had […]

You and Your Intuition. Can You Trust it?

Shelly was interviewing for a senior management position.  She was thrilled with the job description, excited about the pay, benefits and opportunities, and best of all the company really wanted her.  But as she walked through the halls to her third interview she couldn’t help but notice a sense of “fear” or “threat.”  It just […]