Why Playing Your Way to Success Works…Really!
I know we hear all the talk about what it takes to get ahead…all the blood, sweat and tears. Is that the most effective way to become successful? Is there a case for playing your way to success? In this interview I’ll share some thoughts on the topic and an action step to help you […]
Happy New Year! (Or is it?)
Tis the time of year when we spend a chunk of our valuable life flogging ourselves for what we didn’t accomplish last year. Then after we tire of the “much-deserved” punishment we scrape up what little self esteem we have left, sit down (and at least some of us) write our goals for the next […]
This is Your Brain on Holiday!
Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s the holiday season. A tough time on your sweet, sensitive Amygdala. It is a time when your to-do list doubles in length and your time seems to shorten. It is a time where even top achievers (or maybe especially) can run themselves completely ragged. So take a deep breath all you […]
Will My Success Last?
Picture this … I was recently talking to a client who had built his business from nothing to over a million dollars in revenue in just three years. I asked him what his biggest fear was. His answer was that he was afraid his success wouldn’t last. This client is not alone. The fear of […]
Questions About the Power of Gratitude
Ever since we were children we were taught how important it is to be grateful. We hear things like, “Be thankful for what you have.” “Be grateful, don’t take things for granted.” The whole idea of gratitude was often presented as something you should do even though it may or may not have any benefit […]
Are You Living in Comfortable Misery?
Take a minute to think back on your life… How often have you stayed in a job you didn’t like or clung to a failing relationship or lived in a location you didn’t fit in? I know I have! I have held onto friendships that were no longer serving either of us just because I […]
Live Longer and Better!
I am constantly amazed by the power of our minds to create our reality. Well this video blew my mind… Learn how to live 10 years longer and die with no regrets! Have an amazing Monday (and everyday!) Leanna Fredrich, Mindset Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-k Leanna@amazingmondays.com
What Are You Thinking About Me?
Kathy had a vision for her company and her team. She just knew she could, with her team, make a huge difference in the world. How very exciting! She presented her plan to her company and they were on board. So why was Kathy waking up in the middle of the night worrying? Why did […]
Handle Stress Well? 4 Steps to Take Today!
I was recently watching an “Animal Kingdom” type of show and as usual it was hunting time. A lion was sneaking up on a herd of gazelles. The lion leaped out after one of the smaller gazelles. Panicked the animal ran as fast as it could until the lion gave up. The little gazelle leaped […]
I’m Stressed and I Know It!
I think we can agree on one thing. We are all stressed! It is one of the biggest issues for top performers and well, everyone. I spent last week camping at a lake away from email,computers, phones… bathrooms (the lack of that last one kinda stressed me out!). It took me a day or two […]