Amazing Mondays

There’s been numerous songs written, an acronym popularized (TGIF) and ads created all about the relief that comes at the end of the work-week. We groan loudly to our fellow workers about how much we are looking forward to the weekend. We breathe a sigh of relief when Wednesday passes and we are on the downward slope to the weekend. The problem comes when Friday night arrives and we find ourselves  unable to relax. Our minds keep racing with work problems and it is hard to calm the thoughts enough to enjoy our time off. Before we know it we are dragging our exhausted bodies back to work on Monday.

The crux of the problem is that our brains do not have an “off” switch. When your amygdala has been over stimulated all week it is almost impossible, without medicinal help, to calm it enough to suddenly relax on Friday evening.  That is why building consistent, frequent moments of relaxation into your day to day routine is key to enjoying life. You don’t have to sit and meditate daily for 2 hours ( Although that would certainly help!) All you really need to do is set up daily rituals that take only a few minutes of your time. You can choose 2-3 ideas off of my blog to try daily.  It’s as simple as taking a quick “Nature Bath” at lunchtime, spend a few minutes paying attention to your breath, or find a private corner and tap for a bit. Those few moments done consistently  will pay off in a big way. Now your amygdala will have frequent periods of calm and when the weekend comes you will be able to really relax and enjoy your time off. The best part of all of this self-care and calming comes when you realize that even in the midst of the chaos of work you are living in a little bubble of peace. Now that’s magic we are all looking for!

Have an Amazing Monday,(and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress Management Consultant

PS: For those of you who love to tap here’s a script…

Karate Chop:

Even though I can’t turn off these work problem thoughts, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though it frustrates me when work ruins the weekend, I accept myself anyway.

Even though I can’t relax, even on the weekend, I accept my stressed-out self.

Eyebrow: This tension in my body.

Side of Eye: All these work problems.

Under Eye: I keep thinking about them.

Under Nose: I have so much to do and not enough time.

Chin Point: All these crazy thoughts.

Collar Bone: I’m so tired.

Under Arm: I can’t get away from work mentally.

Top of Head: I am not enjoying my time off.

Keep tapping on the negative round until your tension comes down to at least a 5 or lower on a scale of 1-10. Then you may move to the positive round.

Positive Round:

Eyebrow: I understand that I will never get it all done.

Side of Eye: I am more productive when I allow myself to relax on the weekends.

Under Eye: It’s okay to relax.

Under Nose: I can start by relaxing my shoulders.

Chin Point: There are many things I love about my life.

Collar Bone: Everything will be alright.

Under Arm: I love turning my thoughts to beautiful and calming things.

Top of Head: All is well.