Amazing Mondays


We get so bogged down in the mundane and practical in life, don’t we? Always analyzing, criticizing, tamping down those wild ideas before they can even sprout wings. Well it’s time to reconnect with your inner innovator and dream big again!

One of my favorite ways to unleash the untamed imaginings of the subconscious mind is with a cheeky brainstorming game called “Yes, and…” Here’s how it works,: Someone chirps up with a delightfully ridiculous idea, and instead of rolling your eyes, the next player enthusiastically agrees and adds their own absurd suggestion on top. The floodgates fly open as each novel notion begets another even wilder one.

Let me give a hypothetical example from a workplace. Imagine we’re spitballing ways to radically elevate the customer experience with our core product. Someone bravely puts out: “Intuitive product customization through biometric data tracking!” I’d respond with energy: “Yes, and real-time product updates tailored to each user’s needs!” A third teammate joins in: “Love it – and virtual concierge services that anticipate pain points and smooth out any friction!” Do you feel that creative synergy in action?

The magic happens when you ban the buzzkill inner critic from the get-go. No judging allowed in the idea factory! There will be plenty of time later for analysis and refining. For now, cut loose and see what your boundless Sage mind can conjure up when freed from constraint.

So I want you to try it, my friends. Whether individually through meditative contemplation or collaboratively with an open-minded team, let your aspirational ideas flow uncensored. Trust that your brilliance will shine through when you unleash it. After all, we must first dream it to believe it!

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Coach

PS: Interested in Coaching? Please email me at