Amazing Mondays

One evening not too long ago I was walking around our neighborhood park. In the park there are two little ponds that attract a myriad of wildlife. As I strolled past one of the ponds a loose dog ran by and lunged at a duck who had been resting in the foliage near the water. The startled duck flew to safety in the middle of the pond. After landing the frightened bird raised it’s body out of the water and flapped it’s wings vigorously, as it quacked loudly. I observed similar behavior when a hummingbird flew in the house through an open screen door. After much trial and error I caught the bird and set it on the deck rail. It sat there frozen for a moment and then flew straight up in the air like a rocket.

What these birds know that we have forgotten is – after we experience stress we need to release it. The cortizol and other stress hormones need to be worked through the body. They are meant to help us “fight or flight.” Most of our modern day stress does not require or condone that behavior so we have to find other ways to release. I encourage you to try flapping your wings. Yes, I’ve done it. ( Not in public! ) I found that when I did it adding a loud quacking released the stress in my body even faster. It may have been the laughter that came with the quacking! If flapping and quacking is not for you then any type of exercise will work as long as it is fairly intense. Make this a daily part of your life so you consistently release the stress in your body. It doesn’t have to take long but the results in your feeling of well-being make it absolutely worth the time!

Have an Amazing Monday! (and everyday.)

Leanna Fredrich, Stress, Leadership and Career Management Coach

Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K