Amazing Mondays

In a world that prizes productivity and relentless achievement, sleep often seems almost… rebellious. We’ve been told a thousand times that “sleep is important,” yet how many of us feel that sleep is something we earn only after we’ve ticked off every box, answered every email, and managed every responsibility? But what if sleep was more than that? What if it was a sacred practice, a radical act of self-acceptance and peace?

True rest isn’t about just clocking in eight hours with your eyes closed; it’s about letting go completely. Resting is sacred surrender—a time to embrace what is and stop striving, stop improving, stop measuring. It’s giving yourself permission to simply be. To let yourself trust that you are enough, and that your body, just as it is, will know what to do if you give it space.

Ways to Sleep as Sacred Surrender

  1. Create a Soulful Routine
    Imagine your nighttime routine as something almost sacred. A slow, gentle transition from the waking world into the dreamy depths of rest. Begin by dimming the lights and stepping away from the screens. Play soft, soothing music. Journal if it feels right, or simply breathe deeply, welcoming yourself back home. The goal here is a gentle descent, a peaceful glide into sleep.
  2. Tune Out the Noise
    Think of this time as a conscious “closing of the doors” on the day. Turn off your devices, say goodbye to the endless scrolls and notifications, and choose quiet. Let yourself step back from the world’s demands. In this silence, your body and mind receive the gentle message: It’s safe to rest. We can finally be still.
  3. Let Go of Perfect Sleep
    This may be the most liberating practice of all. Forget about “perfect” sleep. No strict counts, no stress over hours. Just lie down and rest as best you can. Your body is always working to heal and restore itself—whether you’re awake, asleep, or somewhere in between. Trust it to do its job. What matters isn’t the precision of your sleep routine but your faith in its healing power.

When you embrace sleep as a radical act of rest, you’re pushing back against the world’s fixation on doing and achieving. You’re saying yes to something ancient, something essential—your right to be, exactly as you are, in each quiet moment. And perhaps, in the softness of sleep, you’ll find yourself growing in ways that no waking action could ever accomplish.

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!),

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Coach

PS: Interested in Coaching? Please email me at