Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

Happy New Year! Many years ago I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions. Not because I think resolutions are a bad idea but because I didn’t find it fun anymore. Instead of resolutions I select 1-3 essence words that describe what I want to feel this year. The truth about New Year’s Resolutions is that we think by reaching them we will feel better. “If I have more money in savings I’ll feel more secure.” “If I lose weight I will look better and that will make me feel better.” “If I grow my business or get that promotion I will feel successful and that feels good.” Call me a lazy,cheater but I decided to just skip to the feeling good part! I picked two words for this year – “delight” and “ease.” Aren’t those words wonderful? Just saying them makes me feel, well, delightful!

Will you join me in a year  full of delight and ease? We are going to have so much fun! Each month I will send out two stress-relieving activities for you to try if you wish. I will also include a tapping script for those of you who love tapping as much as I do. Why am I sending out ways to destress?  Well, because it is hard to feel delight when you are constantly stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed.  I think we are naturally wired for delight and ease. Just watch a toddler on a walk.  They are amazed and delighted by a squirrel scampering by, a disgusting (my assessment!) beetle on the sidewalk, their own shadow, it doesn’t take much. I believe with all my heart that underneath that adult seriousness and gravitas is a child easily delighted and naturally drawn to living life with ease. We just have to relax enough to listen to that child again.

Researchers show that most of us are in an almost constant state of stress. When they measure the activity of the Amygdala, the almond-shaped part of our brain that is first to send stress hormones to the body, they see that it is terribly overstimulated.  Part of the reason it is overstimulated is that it is super sensitive.  Just observing a stranger’s sad, angry or stressed face in a picture causes the Amygdala to be activated. You can only imagine what a stressful meeting at work or driving in heavy traffic does to it! No wonder we have layers and layers of stress covering up that delight and ease.  That is why, twice a month, I am going to share some of my favorite ways to help you destress.   Waiting to relax until you make it to the weekend or go on vacation just flat out is not enough. Our bodies don’t work that way. So many of us long for the weekend only to discover that we are having trouble relaxing. That is why we need to develop our calm muscles every day.  We need to have spaces of calm frequently sprinkled throughout each day – even Monday!

Here’s to a year full of delight and ease!

Have an amazing Monday and everyday.

Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS: If you would like support in playing the game of life with ease and joy email me at