Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

April’s Quotes and Coaching Questions

“Trust life and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know.” James Baldwin

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Frank Clark

“If you’re looking for a charmed life, or even just a ray of hope, you first have to recognize the mountain that is most effectively blocking your way.” Victoria Moran

Coaching Thoughts and Questions:

1. What is your mountain? What is the story you keep telling yourself that stops you from moving forward to the life you’ve dreamed of?
Too much debt and too little money? Not enough education? A chronic illness? Being overweight?

2. What are your beliefs having to do with this mountain? “I don’t deserve more money.” “I will never be at my ideal weight.” “My friends will feel uncomfortable if I am too successful.”

3. What action is your mountain keeping you from taking?

4. Are you ready to deal with your mountain? I hope you said a loud “YES!” If you did, read the suggestions on how to deal with that nasty obstacle.

Many times the best way to deal with your mountain is to do nothing with it. Yes, I said do nothing! Often we have been focusing on it so long that it has grown huge. Move your focus away from the mountain and let the process of life take care of it. Remember how often even the most baffling situations work themselves out.

This does not mean it is time to sit on your bum and wait for your beautiful life to fall into your lap. Your job is to do what needs to be done to live a joyful life in spite of your mountain. Take care of yourself. Make breakfast. Spend time with friends. Take an action step towards your goals. While you are busy doing these things and focusing on what you love your mountain may start to shrink or you may feel as if you have been lifted over. However it works out you will no longer be focused on this huge obstacle. In fact that awful,scary mountain of yours may actually turn into a road to your dreams!

Have a wonderful April.

Dance with Joy,
Leanna Fredrich
Success Coach for Professional and Executive Women
“When you are ready to go from burned out to fired up!”