It is a perfect day on the beach. The soft breeze caresses me as I walk slowly beside the turquoise, blue ocean. I smile as I think about the sailing excursion we have planned for the afternoon…
And that my friends, is the beginning of my chapter describing the vacation I wish to take this year. So how am I harnessing the power of my subconscious by writing my own “novel”?! An important part of the brain is the Reticular Activating System. (RAS) We use it all the time. Think back to when you were looking for your next car. Perhaps you had decided to get a bright, green VW bug. All of a sudden numerous times a day you saw green VW’s They were everywhere! By making the decision to get a particular kind of car you gave the message to your RAS that green VW bugs were very important to you. So now you saw every VW on the road plus ads for VW sales, VW accessories etc…
To use the power of your subconscious to reach your goals you must use your RAS. Your subconscious mind works best with pictures so by writing a story, full of details, describing what you want in each area of your life you are giving your RAS the message, “This is important watch for opportunities to get this.” If you used only your conscious mind to reach your goals you would have to consciously think about your goals all day long. When you use your subconscious it works on finding opportunities even when you are not consciously thinking about your goals. Just like with your VW purchase, you didn’t have to consciously think about VW’s to notice them on the road all day.
Harness the power of your subconscious by taking the time to write a description of what you want in each area of your life. Write it as if it was happening right now. Don’t worry if you don’t believe your own story. Give your RAS something to look for and watch the magic happen.
Have an amazing Monday!
Leanna Fredrich, Mindset Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K
PS: If you would like to reach your goals faster and have a blast doing it email me at