As we begin this new year it is often an opportunity for our inner critic to get busy! “You didn’t do enough last year. You better get busy this year.” This world can be so harsh, can’t it? So many people attacking themselves and others for not meeting impossibly high standards. It breaks my heart!
Well I’m here to tell you – that cruel inner critic pointing fingers? Your “Judge”? Don’t you listen to that nasty voice for one more second! Cast it and its bogus warnings aside. CHOOSE empathy instead – for yourself and for others struggling in pain’s grip. I know you can do it! You have such strength and courage in that beautiful heart of yours.
Now. Empathy – real empathy – takes bravery, yes, but the rewards are oh so rich. Imagine reconnecting with the playful, creative child still dancing within you, before fear and judgment dimmed your shine. Picture your eyes sparkling with joy and purpose! Hold that vision tight. Let it renew your spirits when times get tough.
Extend this loving kindness to friends and strangers too. Behind their storms and tension, glimpse the innocent child wishing only to trust and delight in life’s adventure. Breathe in empathy until that becomes your instinctive response to turmoil.
Oh I know you get tired. Keep replenishing your spirit with self-care and compassion. You don’t have to be perfect to deserve empathy – no one does! We all stumble, doubts and critics be damned. Just keep choosing empathy’s gentle grace at every turn. You’ve so got this!
Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)
Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Coach
PS: If you would like coaching and support please email me.