Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays


The art of letting go…. We humans are for the most part pretty bad at letting things go. Our subconscious mind is all about survival. Survival is all about gathering things and keeping loved ones close. This has become all too clear to me lately. Two weeks ago my oldest son graduated from college and we helped him move to his new home in Nashville. Although he has always been independent and attended college out of state, I was hit, much to my surprise, with the challenge of letting go, once again. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m proud that he found a job in the city he wants to live in but and it’s a big but… his moving to a state across the country clarified this truth… He was creating his own home and that home was not here with me. All very appropriate and natural, blah, blah,blah but it felt about as good as when the Doctor tells you that “you will feel a little pressure!”

After coming home, I allowed myself to wallow in my loss and sadness for awhile and that’s okay. Then I realized how much energy it takes to hold onto people, things, thoughts that need to go. I could feel the constriction in my body and heart. It was time to open up and release. As those thoughts of letting go with love flowed through me, I felt a growing expansiveness and freedom. A little sadness lingered and I know this is a process, this letting go a little bit at a time. Allowing the change to occur. (As if I could stop it!)

Just think of the unnecessary stress we hold onto when we resist change! So let’s bring this back to you. What do you need to let go of? An unhealthy relationship? A job that is miserably,comfortable? A pattern of thinking that is destructive?

Write down what you need to release. Then notice how your body feels. Allow the pain, fear, anger whatever it is to be there. Then release it by breathing it out or by using the tapping script below. When you are done, ask yourself if there is an action you need to take to let go? Rinse and repeat as necessary. This is a process and it’s okay to let go a little at a time. Enjoy the new energy and joy as you move forward with freedom.

As you know one of my favorite tools is tapping. If you have never heard of tapping check out this resource…  Go to or listen to

Karate Chop:

Even though I don’t want to let this go I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I am hurting I accept my feelings.

Even though I don’t want to accept this change I love myself anyway.

Eyebrow: I am afraid to let go.

Side of Eye: I wish things were different.

Under Eye: This is painful!

Under Nose: Will I ever feel happy again?

Chin Point: I don’t want to let go.

Collar Bone: This sadness.

Under Arm: This loss.

Top of Head: This pain.

Please keep tapping until the negative emotion you are feeling is below a 5 on a scale of 1-10. Then you may move to the positive round.

Positive Round:

Eyebrow: I am letting go a little at a time.

Side of Eye: I don’t have to let go all at once if it’s too hard.

Under Eye: It is okay to let go.

Under Nose: I am safe.

Chin Point: I choose to release this pain.

Collar Bone: I am feeling lighter.

Under Arm: I am open for new and wonderful experiences.

Top of Head: I am feeling more freedom and joy.

Have an Amazing Monday, (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Stress Management Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K

PS: If you need help releasing something or someone in your life email me at to schedule a 15 minute complimentary call.