Amazing Mondays

I want to talk to you about the burnout epidemic caused by having to endure systemic discrimination day after day. And after reading Emily and Amelia Nagoski’s book, Burnout, I truly believe that a major cause, one that we don’t discuss nearly enough, is the crushing weight of having to endure systemic discrimination day after day after day. 

The sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia – these “isms” are weighing us down and depleting our life force over time. Just imagine walking through a minefield every single day, always on guard for the next insult or threat. That’s what discrimination does – it keeps us in a constant state of mental and physical stress.

Prejudice often manifests through subtle micro-aggressions that communicate negative insults towards marginalized groups. While you may not register them consciously, your body does. These innocuous-seeming slights take a real psychological and physiological toll. Your body internalizes the negative messages, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of  not belonging. Even if your mind doesn’t process each one, the impacts get stored.

Can you imagine how deflating it is to censor yourself constantly, putting on a fake smile while enduring daily disrespect? It’s like pouring salt in your own wounds over and over and calling it dignity. We cannot keep putting the onus on marginalized groups to just “get better” at dealing with discrimination. That perpetuates the problem! We must uproot the disease of intolerance itself.

Until we tear down the archaic power structures, shatter the indefensible stereotypes, and cultivate profound respect and equity for all of humanity, too many of us are going to keep getting burned out just trying to exist in a prejudiced world. I know confronting these harsh truths and fighting the good fight can be draining. 

But I also know that we all have a wellspring of restorative resilient energy that flows through each of us – as long as we don’t let the negativity and hatred of others dam our rivers. So I’m asking you today to tap into that strength, that undeniable life force, and keep shining your powerful light on the path forward to a kinder, more equitable world for all. It’s the only way we’ll finally be free to flourish and thrive. 

Practical Steps to Take Now…

  1. Take inventory of the “ isms” you deal with. Understand that the more prejudice, whether conscious or unconscious you face, the more you need to focus on daily healing and self-care.
  2. Notice where you wish to set healthy boundaries and take steps to do so.
  3. Grow and nurture a supportive group of friends or family who love you for who you are.

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!),

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Coach

PS: Interested in Coaching? Please email me at