For example, if you’re facing a difficult deadline at work, the gifts might include an opportunity to showcase your skills, improve time management, or learn new techniques. By focusing on these positive aspects and taking action towards achieving them, you can transform a source of stress into a valuable learning experience.
The Sage teaches us that every challenge is an invitation for growth and development. At work, this means adopting a growth-oriented mindset where we view challenges as opportunities rather than burdens. By embracing the potential within our problems, we can reduce stress, improve wellbeing, and achieve greater success and satisfaction in our careers.
So next time you’re facing a challenge at work, try using The Three-Gifts technique to reframe it as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Remember, every problem is a gift wrapped in disguise – all you need to do is unwrap it and embrace its potential.
Why do we insist on hamster-wheeling at work, relentlessly pursuing that performance review, the corner office, the next raise? We scurry along, noses to the grindstone, while our minds whir and worry. Stress squeezes us like a boa constrictor. Then we wonder why we’re so anxious!
There is another way. When you feel frenzy rising, stop. Breathe. Ask yourself: What is this pressure trying to teach me? How might this hardship become a gift? Consider it a cosmic puzzle. The more jammed the signal, the more interesting the transmission.
Your mind will protest, but listen to your body. Your chattering ego sees only threats, but your wild soul knows each experience holds possibility. Lean into discomfort. Find its hidden blessings. They are there.
Perhaps a missed deadline reminds you to prioritize. A disagreement with a colleague improves communication. Unexpected obstacles catalyze creativity. New strengths emerge from the mud like lotuses.
You came here for a vivid life! Difficulties provide the contrast that makes joy so sweet. Embrace each experience. Seek its treasures. The sage understands this alchemy. Can you perceive its subtle magic?
Breathe, Softly smile. The blessings are waiting.
Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)
Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Coach
PS: If you would like coaching and support please email me.