Amazing Mondays

Life is dangerous. People cannot be trusted. If I am not prepared no one else will be. Thoughts like these are the constant refrain of the Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur. A person run by this saboteur is in an almost constant state of anxiety.  This saboteur causes a person to doubt themselves and others. They want to trust others but feel they are always let down. They second guess others’ motivations. Even though they mistrust others they may still look for reassurance from others that their decisions are right. Of course that doesn’t really reassure them because they don’t trust anyone. This leaves them in an anxious state of indecision. The Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur is comforted somewhat by rules, authority and policies even if they choose not to follow them.

The big lie of this saboteur is that life is full of dangers and if I don’t keep an eye out for danger, who will?

As you can imagine, (or maybe have experienced yourself!) allowing the Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur to run your life is an exhausting, anxious way to live. Most of a person’s energy is focused on preventing and preparing for the worst. How much better would it be to use that energy to create, contribute and enjoy life?! Keeping friends and c lose relationships is difficult for the person run by this saboteur.  They unknowingly chase others away because others find the anxious energy too draining. This leaves the person feeling isolated and uncared for.

If this sounds like your very own saboteur do not despair! As with the other saboteurs they like to work in the background unnoticed. Don’t let them! Start noticing when the Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur is running you. Do whatever you can to calm your nervous system – stretch and yawn, take deep breaths. This will allow you to begin trusting life, others and yourself a bit more.

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant

PS: If you want to take an assessment to identify your saboteurs here is the link –