Amazing Mondays

Have you ever met someone who under stress becomes super rational? (Maybe the person you’ve met with this characteristics is you! ) The bigger the crisis the more focused this person becomes-looking for the “right” answer. The Hyper-rational Saboteur tends to  come across as detached, intellectual and private. They are often skeptical or cynical in their attitude.

They don’t let many people see who they really are and how they really feel about things. In fact, the only way a person run by this saboteur feels comfortable sharing feelings is through passion around an idea. This saboteur holds onto the belief that the rational mind is all important. Those pesky feelings just get in the way! Needs and emotions of others are just annoying and get in the way of progress. The person driven by this saboteur often feels the need to get away from others so they can focus on their projects with out distraction. This person values knowledge and understanding of ideas over all else.

The grand lie of this saboteur is that emotions and human needs are unimportant. The rational mind is the only thing that matters. As you can imagine, a person driven by this saboteur has difficulty building strong, meaningful relationships at work and in their personal life. This leaves them feeling alone and misunderstood.

Does this description sound like you? If your answer is yes, begin observing your behavior especially during times of stress. Watch as The Hyper-Rational Saboteur leaps back from feelings as if they were a hot stove and dives into the “get it right” mode. By observing, you can choose different behaviors if you wish. Take a few deep breaths, get calm and embrace those feelings!


Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant

PS: If you want to take an assessment to identify your saboteurs here is the link –