Amazing Mondays

Picture this. You get home from work feeling tired and stressed. As you start making dinner you decide to turn on some dance music. What is most likely to happen? My guess is that it won’t be long before your foot is tapping and you are humming along. You might even find yourself dancing with the spoon or twirling a dish towel. That is the power of music!

Research shows that music stimulates parts of our brains, changes mood, can lower depression and reduce stress. Upbeat music can help with focus and energy, slower music calms and relaxes. The beautiful part of music is that it is easy to incorporate into our daily lives. Listen to it on your commute, put on headphones while working, turn it on when you get home.

If you are like me though, it is easy to forget to strategically use music to improve your mood and calm your mind. Well, I am here to remind you to do it! It is such an amazing stress-relieving tool. If you need to calm down choose nature sounds, slow jazz or calm classical music. Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 – 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious. If you need energy choose music that gets you moving. The choices are endless!

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress-Management Consultant

PS: I wanted to share this relaxing music video with you. Once you get past the first ad it’s great. 🙂