Amazing Mondays

Have you noticed that during a stressful, busy day you tend to stay focused and tense sitting in front of your computer or in a meeting? By the end of the day your muscles are sore and knotted. On top of that your brain is foggy and you feel totally exhausted. Today, I have a super simple way to lower stress in seconds and keep your body and mind relaxed and fog-free. (For the most part anyway!)

All you have to do is yawn and stretch. It’s that simple! A yawn forces you to take a deep breath, slow down the breathing, and to exhale fully.  This counteracts the fast shallow breathing experienced as a symptom of stress and anxiety.  Research shows that yawning may actually cool the brain. A cooler brain results in clearer calmer thinking. Stretching is effective in lengthening the muscles – the opposite of short, tensed muscles. It feels so good! If you are too embarrassed to do this in public (The meeting leader might think they are boring you to death!) just step outside or slip into a (hopefully sweet-smelling) bathroom stall and do your yawning and stretching . The important thing is to do this frequently during your day so that your brain stays alert and your muscles are relaxed.

Here’s a few fun facts about yawning…

* A yawn lasts about six seconds.

* Olympic athletes often yawn before a competition.

* Your heart rate can rise 30 percent during a yawn.

* Blind people yawn more after hearing a tape of people yawning.

* 55 percent of people will yawn within five minutes of seeing someone else yawn.


Have a wonderful Monday full of yawning and stretching!

Leanna Fredrich, Leadership, Career and Stress Management Coach

Adv.EFT, Adv. Psych-K