Amazing Mondays

Since my goal this year is to live a life filled with delight I know that I must be vigilant about consistently lowering stress and calming my brain. That’s why I am so excited to share this stress-relieving tool! About 7 years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a powerful and weird technique that I fell in love with. It’s called tapping. Since discovering this tool I have taken a lot of training and use it extensively in my coaching. I use this technique to calm myself on a daily basis. I tap in the car (Maybe not a good idea!), I tap when I wake up, when I can’t sleep. (my husband loves it, Ha!) I tap before I present on stage, when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel a bit blue, pretty much anytime I want to feel better.

One of the wonderful things about this technique is that you can easily use it by just watching the video below and tap away until you feel the stress leave your body. It’s simple to do and you will feel the results immediately.  Try it, I think you’ll love how it works! ( By the way I know if you are on my list you may already know about tapping. If you do, I hope you will still take a moment to tap away with me. 🙂

If you would like to know more about the science behind EFT or tapping this is a video my friend and I made for an event we produced several years ago.

Have an Amazing Monday (and everyday!)

Leanna Fredrich, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K