I think we can agree on one thing. We are all stressed! It is one of the biggest issues for top performers and well, everyone. I spent last week camping at a lake away from email,computers, phones… bathrooms (the lack of that last one kinda stressed me out!). It took me a day or two to realize how relaxed I had become. To wake up in the morning and have my only decision be if I wanted to kneeboard, ski, wakeboard or sit on the beach and read. It felt so good! I was there with my family and found that I was able to listen better and really connect with them. Yes, my mind tried to get busy and worry about work and to-do lists but since I was in the middle of nowhere I couldn’t do anything about it. All that was left to do was to relax and enjoy the moment.
Now, here I am on a Monday morning wondering how to keep even a little of the relaxation and focus in my “real” life. I am renewing my commitment to setting better work hours and turning off my computer at a decent time. I will spend time outdoors on a daily basis. I will make sure to take daily time for quiet and for doing things to calm my brain. I will play more.
So my Monday reminder is to find time to do things daily that relax, nurture and make you feel awesome. Bring some of that vacation feeling home with you to enrich your everyday life. It’s time to live more in the moment!
Have an amazing Monday!
Leanna Fredrich, Top Performance Coach, Adv. EFT, Adv. Psych-K
PS: Want to learn more about how to rewire your brain for less stress and more success? Join my friend Mary and I at “Go Big or Go Home” a live workshop in Denver. Find out more at http://www.unstoppableyouintensive.com